The Roar of the Lion
/As the old saying tells us, March either comes in like a lion or a lamb, and reverses that when departing. But what does it mean when the lion starts to roar loudly several days into the month?
The weather early on was moderate, cloudy and quiet. Perhaps the lion was lurking in the shadows, lulling me into thinking that the pattern of grey would continue. But on Monday night, the change began with a thunderstorm, bringing rain and lightning, too. It was really eerie and cool at the same time, to watch the flashes play out against the snowy backdrop, so unlike our summer storms. Then the winds began, and have barely let up since then.
We had need to be in town on Tuesday, and we had the good fortune to witness the kind of waves on Lake Superior that we usually only hear about after the fact. It was so amazing! I felt like we were seeing an inland ocean, sending up its very best show. Though there wasn't much time for photos, I did attempt to take a few. It isn't easy to hold the camera still when being blasted by gusts and spray. Not to mention the fact that it was cold! I have a new admiration for the stellar local photographers that we have. They truly are dedicated to spending time in those conditions, in order to achieve the magnificent shots that they get.
Since then, the wind has continued, though from a different direction. The skies are clear as can be, and the March sun is shining down and warming us up. We got fresh snow, and the trails have been groomed once again. So dress warm and get outside, as these days will disappear in a hurry.