Settling in to Summer
/Now that the wild rains of the previous week have passed, we've been settling in to summer. Mornings are generally calm like this photo taken from Diamond Willow. Today, Greg woke me about six o'clock, and motioned to an eagle sitting outside. The bird was perched on the top of a spruce tree within direct sight of our window. He sat there for a while, turning his head this way and that. I was hoping that he was looking for a meal of fresh fish, rather than a baby duck or loon. Not that I have any say over the matter!
My wish to see a baby loon has still gone unfulfilled, but I have been able to watch a mama goldeneye duck with her two little ones. They have been swimming happily in the bay in recent days, bobbing up and under while she keeps a watchful eye.
It was impossible to get a family shot, since the little ones were mostly intent on diving under water, as though they were showing mom how well they could do it. She occasionally took a dive as well, but it looked more like swimming lesson time than mealtime. These little ones are actually well-feathered, so I expect they are more than a week or so old.
Whether or not the eagle was successful in fishing this morning, I do know someone else who was, last week. After eating pizza with us one evening, this fellow wanted to go out and try for some lake trout. No sooner had he left, when it seemed he was ask one of his buddies to take a photo for him. He had already snagged some fish, and landed this beauty. I got in on the photo opp, too. Two of his companions decided that they had to join him, and they were all in the boat catching more trout. It was so fun to see them reeling one in right before my eyes. They ended up with three decent fish, including a ten-pounder. Some days, it's only a matter of being in the right place at the right time, and they had nailed it.
The flowers are blooming profusely, and some people were already able to enjoy blueberry pancakes with maple syrup. That's a promise of good things to come, since it looks like a decent berry crop this year. It must be the right combination of rain, sunshine, and just enough heat for the berries to be ripening this early. I've noticed lots of raspberry blossoms, and some thimbleberry flowers, too. If the weather continues on this path, we should be picking those within a few weeks. I find it much easier to hit the sweet spot in the berry patch than at the fishing hole. Fortunately, either place holds wonderful rewards.