Time to Stop....
/On the same day that the lake was so busy blowing all over the place, our rosebush decided to burst forth in a rush. I had noticed a couple of buds, but wasn't expecting a full bloom for at least a week. Once again the air is filled with the lovely perfume of our Hansa rose bush.
I just went to check and see if I had spelled Hansa properly. While reading, I learned that many people love this rose because it reminds them of their grandmothers. Funny--that was one of my thoughts! I don't remember much about my grandmother, but I do have faint pictures in my memory of her rosebush.
The wild roses have gotten in on the act also. We have a few bushes on our property that are now blooming, and down the way, our neighbor has a large patch on the roadside. I remember lots of them up by Seagull Lake, too, so the perfume must really be filling the air up there.
Not to be outdone by all of this pink, my blue bachelor buttons are popping as well.
New flowers are showing up all of the time these days. A group of guests went hiking on the Magnetic Rock Trail last week, and reported seeing many there, including some wood lilies and nodding trillium. I've seen the usual suspects on our property: bunchberry, blue bead lily, and star flowers. It's a wonderful time to be in the woods and see all of this color.
And of course, it's all the more important right now to stop and smell the roses, as the season flies past way too quickly.