Greg's Five Minute Adventure/The Berry Update

Wow, sometimes the day just gets away from me. Cabin cleaning in the morning, a trip to town in the afternoon, a quick run to the end of the trail to check out the new museum....and suddenly it's time to make dinner and the blog post isn't done. I wanted to share the goodness of the blueberries with you all.

Greg had his own five minute adventure on the way back from work yesterday. He stopped on one of the forestry roads near Seagull Lake, and scouted out the berries for this week's blueberry update. Within a few minutes, he had found several nice ones, but he said that most of them are still green. But what was most impressive was the size. It looks on par with the blueberry crop of the summer of 2008, one year after the Ham Lake Fire. He feels that it will still be about a week to ten days before the harvest is in full swing. But for hardy, intrepid pickers, you could probably find enough for a batch of blueberry muffins or to sprinkle into your pancakes in the morning. Time to start picking!