The Rest of the Wolf Story
/Back on May 4th, I had the stroke of good fortune to be able to see and photograph a wolf in our yard. The wolf had taken down a deer right behind Greg's workshop, and for the next couple of hours, I watched from a perch just several feet away. You can read my blog post and see some of the photos here.
I re-read it today, and saw that I had not yet followed up with the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would say. We kept a fairly close watch on the carcass that evening (when, incidentally, it snowed again). There was no activity, and I was afraid that I had frightened the wolf enough so that he might not come back at all. The biggest nuisance of that possibility would be that we would be left with a bit of a stinky mess to clean up. The next morning, we still saw no indication of the wolf's return, but we did see many ravens and crows, both for real and by their tracks. At least someone was making a meal out of the remains. Interestingly, though, by Tuesday morning, it was ALL gone. Sometime in the night, the wolf finally must have returned and dragged away what remained of the whole deer. All that was left behind were a few tufts of hair.
In the days since, I've had many opportunities to share my story and photos with friends and family. In the process, I've gone over the photos, and have a few more to share with you.
This was taken while I was still in the truck. The wolf had dragged the deer into the driveway from the north edge where he had taken it down.
It wasn't until I had this image on the computer and zoomed in that I realized what had happened. It turns out that the doe was pregnant, and the wolf took the fawn. This was the second photo that I took, and later on I could tell that the wolf was carying off another fawn, so the doe actually would have had twins. On my computer, I can zoom in enough to see that the little one had hair, and was fully formed. It had long, dangly legs. She was probably just a few weeks away from giving birth.
Last weekend, I was sharing the pictures and videos with our friend, Caleb, and his family. He is much more computer savvy then I am, and he offered to put one of the videos on YouTube. (Thank you, Caleb!) Here is a link, so you can see the last couple of moments when I was watching and filming the wolf: