We Knew It Wouldn't Last
/...the phone service, that is. Out again. The latest word I heard is that the phone company is working on it, but they don't have an estimate of when it will be repaired. If you have tried calling us, and only get lots of ringing, with no answering machine, then they are out. We're probably in, we just can't answer you. But we're here with email, so drop us a line.
Another Alberta Clipper came rolling through, so it was minus 22 degrees this morning. The temp is supposed to continue to rise now, and they are predicting highs in the twenties--above zero--for Friday to Sunday. That will feel like a regular heat wave after the snap. We've been seeing lots of blue skies during the cold weather, and the days are getting a wee bit longer. Can spring be far away? (Umm, don't answer that yet!)
On the really cold days, Moses and Jethro, the donkeys, only come outside of their barn to eat and take care of business. Otherwise, they huddle next to each other throughout the day, and maybe stick a nose or two out the doorway, when someone goes by on the road. Today must feel warmer to them, as they were still out and about, after they finished their breakfast. I marvel that they can stay warm all night long with just their fur coats on....Brrr. I'm happiest outside with a minimum of six extra pieces of clothing on--and often times several more than that.